Student Ministry: Middle School Registration (Grades 6-8)

In a video game, you expect to face challenges and mistakes, but there's always a way out. If things get too difficult, you can just turn it off and start over. in real life, it's not so easy for us to recover from mistakes or start over when we face challenges, but Jesus gives us a chance to restart - no matter how difficult our circumstances.

Middle School Student Ministry will kick off on September 11 with a study series called, "Restart." In this four-week series from the Old and New Testaments, we'll look at a few people who needed God's help to give them a restart. From their stories, we'll discover four promises from God we can trust: when you feel like a failure, God helps you restart, and at times in your life, when you feel overwhelmed, God takes care of you. If you ever feel stuck, God gives you guidance, and when you feel unwanted, God says you belong.

Welcome to the registration page for middle school student ministry programming at Morningside Lutheran Church! Our middle school programming is geared to students who are in 6th to 8th grade.  

Middle school programming is held on Wednesday evenings. Students meet from 5:30 - 8:00pm. This time includes a meal, a time of fellowship, large group worship, Biblical teaching, prayer, interactive games, an engaging small group time, and occasional service projects. 

Rite of Confirmation: 
Middle school students are also invited to participate in the Rite of Confirmation from 6th to 8th grade. Confirmation teachings will be part of middle school programming on Wednesday evenings. Students will learn about topics such as Martin Luther, The Ten Commandments, The Lord's Prayer, The Apostle's Creed, Baptism, The Lord's Supper, and Confession and Forgiveness through large group teachings and discussions with their small groups.

Middle School Student Ministry will begin on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 and end on Wednesday, May 7, 2025. 

Student Information

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Parent/Guardian Information

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I give permission for my child to be a part of all aspects of Student Ministry Programming; as well as photo consent that any picture or video taken of my child can be used for promotional and advertising purposes.
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In a video game, you expect to face challenges and mistakes, but there's always a way out. If things get too difficult, you can just turn it off and start over. in real life, it's not so easy for us to recover from mistakes or start over when we face challenges, but Jesus gives us a chance to restart - no matter how difficult our circumstances.

Middle School Student Ministry will kick off on September 11 with a study series called, "Restart." In this four-week series from the Old and New Testaments, we'll look at a few people who needed God's help to give them a restart. From their stories, we'll discover four promises from God we can trust: when you feel like a failure, God helps you restart, and at times in your life, when you feel overwhelmed, God takes care of you. If you ever feel stuck, God gives you guidance, and when you feel unwanted, God says you belong.