Student Ministry: High School Registration (Grades 9-12)

The words we speak say a lot ab out who we are. So it's frustrating when someone takes our words and twists them, because it leads people to believe things about us that aren't true. Likewise, when God is misquoted, it causes people to believe God is someone He is not.

Misquoted is a 4-week sermon series that investigates four popular sayings that are often attributed to the Bible. The only problem is, you won't find them in there! This series will challenge students to draw near to God, because the closer we are to someone, the more likely we will know their voice.

The misquotes we will explore are:
1. "God helps those who help themselves."; 2. "God wants me to be happy."; 3. "God will never give you more than you can handle."; 4. "Bad things don't happen to good people."
Welcome to the registration page for high school Student Ministry programming at Morningside Lutheran Church! Our high school programming is geared to students who are in 9th to 12th grade.    

An intentional time of High School programming is offered on Sundays from 5:30-7:30pm. During this time, High School Students will have a meal together, participate in Bible studies and service projects, and have opportunities for fellowship!

High School Student Ministry will begin on Sunday, September 8, 2024 and end on Sunday, May 4, 2025. 
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I give permission for my child to be a part of all aspects of Student Ministry Programming; as well as photo consent that any picture or video taken of my child can be used for promotional and advertising purposes.
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The words we speak say a lot ab out who we are. So it's frustrating when someone takes our words and twists them, because it leads people to believe things about us that aren't true. Likewise, when God is misquoted, it causes people to believe God is someone He is not.

Misquoted is a 4-week sermon series that investigates four popular sayings that are often attributed to the Bible. The only problem is, you won't find them in there! This series will challenge students to draw near to God, because the closer we are to someone, the more likely we will know their voice.

The misquotes we will explore are:
1. "God helps those who help themselves."; 2. "God wants me to be happy."; 3. "God will never give you more than you can handle."; 4. "Bad things don't happen to good people."